001 迭代+条件
Implement the function unique_in_order which takes as argument a sequence and returns a list of items without any elements with the same value next to each other and preserving the original order of elements.
For example:
1 | unique_in_order('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') == ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'A', 'B'] |
1 | def unique_in_order(iterable): |
1)python 迭代:iter()返回迭代器
2)append 在列表末添加新对象,并作为新的result(这个没想到)
1 | def unique_in_order(iterable): |
002 Exes and Ohs
Check to see if a string has the same amount of ‘x’s and ‘o’s. The method must return a boolean and be case insensitive. The string can contain any char.
Examples input/output:
1 | XO("ooxx") => true |
1 | def xo(s): |
嗯嗯嗯第一个完全自己改出来的没有错的!恭喜—— 虽然是比较笨的办法
1 | def xo(s): |
003 Sum of odd numbers
Given the triangle of consecutive odd numbers:
1 | 1 |
Calculate the sum of the numbers in the nth row of this triangle (starting at index 1) e.g.: (Input –> Output)
1 | 1 --> 1 |
1 | def row_sum_odd_numbers(n): |
004 Find the missing letter
#Find the missing letter
Write a method that takes an array of consecutive (increasing) letters as input and that returns the missing letter in the array.
You will always get an valid array. And it will be always exactly one letter be missing. The length of the array will always be at least 2.
The array will always contain letters in only one case.
[‘a’,’b’,’c’,’d’,’f’] -> ‘e’ [‘O’,’Q’,’R’,’S’] -> ‘P’
1 | ["a","b","c","d","f"] -> "e" |
(Use the English alphabet with 26 letters!)
Have fun coding it and please don’t forget to vote and rank this kata! :-)
I have also created other katas. Take a look if you enjoyed this kata!
1 | def find_missing_letter(chars): |
ord :chr() 函数(对于8位的ASCII字符串)或unichr() 函数(对于Unicode对象)的配对函数
005 Multiples of 3 or 5
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
Finish the solution so that it returns the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below the number passed in. Additionally, if the number is negative, return 0 (for languages that do have them).
Note: If the number is a multiple of both 3 and 5, only count it once.
1 | def solution(number): |
1 | def solution(number): |
006 String ends with?
Complete the solution so that it returns true if the first argument(string) passed in ends with the 2nd argument (also a string).
1 | solution('abc', 'bc') # returns true |
1 | def solution(string, ending): |
1 | def solution(string, ending): |
.endwith 用来专门判断是否以某个字符串结尾
007 Bit Counting
Write a function that takes an integer as input, and returns the number of bits that are equal to one in the binary representation of that number. You can guarantee that input is non-negative.
Example: The binary representation of 1234
is 10011010010
, so the function should return 5
in this case
1 | def count_bits(n): |
008 Sum of two lowest positive integers
Create a function that returns the sum of the two lowest positive numbers given an array of minimum 4 positive integers. No floats or non-positive integers will be passed.
For example, when an array is passed like [19, 5, 42, 2, 77]
, the output should be 7
[10, 343445353, 3453445, 3453545353453]
should return 3453455
1 | def sum_two_smallest_numbers(numbers): |
remove() 函数用于移除列表中某个值的第一个匹配项
009 Shortest Word
Simple, given a string of words, return the length of the shortest word(s).
String will never be empty and you do not need to account for different data types.
1 | def find_short(s): |
010 Moving Zeros To The End
Write an algorithm that takes an array and moves all of the zeros to the end, preserving the order of the other elements.
1 | move_zeros([1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 3]) # returns [1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 0] |
1 | def move_zeros(lst): |
011 Duplicate Encoder
The goal of this exercise is to convert a string to a new string where each character in the new string is "("
if that character appears only once in the original string, or ")"
if that character appears more than once in the original string. Ignore capitalization when determining if a character is a duplicate.
1 | "din" => "(((" |
Assertion messages may be unclear about what they display in some languages. If you read "...It Should encode XXX"
, the "XXX"
is the expected result, not the input!
1 | def duplicate_encode(word): |
str = '' return (str.join(result))
另外注意先.lower 转为小写
1 | def duplicate_encode(word): |
012 Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times
Enough is enough!
Alice and Bob were on a holiday. Both of them took many pictures of the places they’ve been, and now they want to show Charlie their entire collection. However, Charlie doesn’t like these sessions, since the motif usually repeats. He isn’t fond of seeing the Eiffel tower 40 times.
He tells them that he will only sit for the session if they show the same motif at most N
times. Luckily, Alice and Bob are able to encode the motif as a number. Can you help them to remove numbers such that their list contains each number only up to N
times, without changing the order?
Given a list and a number, create a new list that contains each number of list
at most N
times, without reordering.
For example if the input number is 2
, and the input list is [1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3]
, you take [1,2,3,1,2]
, drop the next [1,2]
since this would lead to 1
and 2
being in the result 3
times, and then take 3
, which leads to [1,2,3,1,2,3]
With list [20,37,20,21]
and number 1
, the result would be [20,37,21]
1 | def delete_nth(order,max_e): |
.count 和 .append基本上能用上手了
看了看大佬的解答似乎差不多,对于列表中的元素似乎可以直接用 for o in order
013 Consecutive strings
1 | Concatenate the consecutive strings of strarr by 2, we get: |
n being the length of the string array, if n = 0
or k > n
or k <= 0
return “” (return Nothing
in Elm, “nothing” in Erlang).
consecutive strings : follow one after another without an interruption
1 | def longest_consec(strarr, k): |
合起来j的循环那里会出问题,还会有报错list index out of range
1 | def longest_consec(strarr, k): |
014 PaginationHelper
For this exercise you will be strengthening your page-fu mastery. You will complete the PaginationHelper class, which is a utility class helpful for querying paging information related to an array.
The class is designed to take in an array of values and an integer indicating how many items will be allowed per each page. The types of values contained within the collection/array are not relevant.
The following are some examples of how this class is used:
1 | helper = PaginationHelper(['a','b','c','d','e','f'], 4) |
1 | class PaginationHelper: |
015 Human Readable Time(补0&输出格式
Write a function, which takes a non-negative integer (seconds) as input and returns the time in a human-readable format (HH:MM:SS
= hours, padded to 2 digits, range: 00 - 99MM
= minutes, padded to 2 digits, range: 00 - 59SS
= seconds, padded to 2 digits, range: 00 - 59
The maximum time never exceeds 359999 (99:59:59
You can find some examples in the test fixtures.
1 | def make_readable(seconds): |
本来是非常简单的问题,到了结果输出这里整的非常想死。。。本来想用:join连接结果一直有bug也查不出来是怎么改,干脆用了笨笨办法,应该是c的东西了吧。其他主要还用到了a = "%02d" % h
1 | n ``=` `"123" |
1 | n ``=` `"-123" |
1 | n ``=` `123 |
1 | def make_readable(s): |
016 RGB To Hex Conversion
The rgb function is incomplete. Complete it so that passing in RGB decimal values will result in a hexadecimal representation being returned. Valid decimal values for RGB are 0 - 255. Any values that fall out of that range must be rounded to the closest valid value.
Note: Your answer should always be 6 characters long, the shorthand with 3 will not work here.
The following are examples of expected output values:
1 | rgb(255, 255, 255) # returns FFFFFF |
1 | def rgb(r, g, b): |
十六进制 到 十进制
二进制 到 十进制
八进制 到 十进制
十进制 转 十六进制
二进制 转 十六进制
八进制到 十六进制
1 | def rgb(r, g, b): |
这个min max用的好聪明啊——
017 Calculating with Functions
This time we want to write calculations using functions and get the results. Let’s have a look at some examples:
1 | seven(times(five())) # must return 35 |
- There must be a function for each number from 0 (“zero”) to 9 (“nine”)
- There must be a function for each of the following mathematical operations: plus, minus, times, divided_by
- Each calculation consist of exactly one operation and two numbers
- The most outer function represents the left operand, the most inner function represents the right operand
- Division should be integer division. For example, this should return
, not2.666666...
1 | def zero(f = None): return 0 if not f else f(0) |
if not 用来判断变量是否为None;if not … else则与if 相反
018 Count IP Addresses
Implement a function that receives two IPv4 addresses, and returns the number of addresses between them (including the first one, excluding the last one).
All inputs will be valid IPv4 addresses in the form of strings. The last address will always be greater than the first one.
1 | * With input "", "" => return 50 |
1 | def ips_between(start, end): |
自己算是成功解出来了。主要在于split(“.”, 4)这里,前面是分割符号,后面是分割个数,但是分完之后每个元素是str属性,所以在下面计算的时候需要转为int,算式显得有点麻烦。
1 | from ipaddress import ip_address |
用到了from import,好像是直接把整体模块对象引用过来。如果要一次导入所有可以引用的函数(有点难以理解),可以用
1 | from math import * |
019 Greed is Good
Greed is a dice game played with five six-sided dice. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to score a throw according to these rules. You will always be given an array with five six-sided dice values.
1 | Three 1's => 1000 points |
A single die can only be counted once in each roll. For example, a given “5” can only count as part of a triplet (contributing to the 500 points) or as a single 50 points, but not both in the same roll.
Example scoring
1 | Throw Score |
In some languages, it is possible to mutate the input to the function. This is something that you should never do. If you mutate the input, you will not be able to pass all the tests.
1 | def score(dice): |
好的我知道了前面的3个加分那里应该把if dice.count(i) == 3:
改成if dice.count(i) >= 3:
1 | def score(dice): |
用到了enumerate(枚举),在for (i, count) in enumerate(counter):
020 Rot13
ROT13 is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. ROT13 is an example of the Caesar cipher.
Create a function that takes a string and returns the string ciphered with Rot13. If there are numbers or special characters included in the string, they should be returned as they are. Only letters from the latin/english alphabet should be shifted, like in the original Rot13 “implementation”.
Please note that using encode
is considered cheating.
1 | def rot13(message): |

021 Who likes it?
You probably know the “like” system from Facebook and other pages. People can “like” blog posts, pictures or other items. We want to create the text that should be displayed next to such an item.
Implement the function which takes an array containing the names of people that like an item. It must return the display text as shown in the examples:
1 | [] --> "no one likes this" |
Note: For 4 or more names, the number in "and 2 others"
simply increases.
1 | def likes(names): |
1 | def likes(names): |
022 Two to One
Take 2 strings s1
and s2
including only letters from a
to z
. Return a new sorted string, the longest possible, containing distinct letters - each taken only once - coming from s1 or s2.
1 | a = "xyaabbbccccdefww" |
1 | def longest(a1, a2): |
1 | def longest(a1, a2): |
023 List Filtering
In this kata you will create a function that takes a list of non-negative integers and strings and returns a new list with the strings filtered out.
1 | filter_list([1,2,'a','b']) == [1,2] |
1 | def filter_list(l): |
用到了新学的判断数据类型的函数 isinstance(a,(str,int,list))
024 Your order, please
Your task is to sort a given string. Each word in the string will contain a single number. This number is the position the word should have in the result.
Note: Numbers can be from 1 to 9. So 1 will be the first word (not 0).
If the input string is empty, return an empty string. The words in the input String will only contain valid consecutive numbers.
1 | "is2 Thi1s T4est 3a" --> "Thi1s is2 3a T4est" |
1 | def order(sentence): |
这题自己苦恼了很久最后还是做出来了,虽然感觉是比较笨的办法应该绕了点弯路。一共叠了三层循环。最开始是把 for i in a 放在最外面的,后面发现这样的话,如果位置在前面的项不是1、2之类的话,就会直接被跳过,后面输出的时候就没有3、4了。于是乎改成循环从寻找1开始,每次都从a的开头开始找,虽然有些笨重但是好歹没错。
另外在比较条件的时候需要 if n == str(i+1) ,没有加str的话做出来是空的。。。
1 | if str(i) in item: |
if 这个数字在字符串里面,学到了新的判断方式(大拇指
025 Stack cans into pyramids
In this kata you will be solving a problem of a store worker that specializes in stacking cans in pyramid shapes in stores, he only makes a pyramid with square bases and always puts a can on top of other 4 cans his problem is that sometimes does not get exact amount so he has to either buy more or return some. (He will do what is easier)
Your task is to calculate the number he will return or buy.
Example: 3 cans -> 1 can or 5 cans (1-4) both result are same distance so he will return or buy 2
10 cans -> 5 cans (1-4) or 14 cans (1-4-9) he will return 4 cans since 14 is closer to 10
As our worker is really dedicated he can obtain up to 1 +15e cans
1 | def perfect_pyramid(cans): |
026 Decode the Morse code
In this kata you have to write a simple Morse code decoder. While the Morse code is now mostly superseded by voice and digital data communication channels, it still has its use in some applications around the world.
The Morse code encodes every character as a sequence of “dots” and “dashes”. For example, the letter A
is coded as ·−
, letter Q
is coded as −−·−
, and digit 1
is coded as ·−−−−
. The Morse code is case-insensitive, traditionally capital letters are used. When the message is written in Morse code, a single space is used to separate the character codes and 3 spaces are used to separate words. For example, the message HEY JUDE
in Morse code is ···· · −·−− ·−−− ··− −·· ·
NOTE: Extra spaces before or after the code have no meaning and should be ignored.
In addition to letters, digits and some punctuation, there are some special service codes, the most notorious of those is the international distress signal SOS (that was first issued by Titanic), that is coded as ···−−−···
. These special codes are treated as single special characters, and usually are transmitted as separate words.
Your task is to implement a function that would take the morse code as input and return a decoded human-readable string.
For example:
1 | decode_morse('.... . -.-- .--- ..- -.. .') |
NOTE: For coding purposes you have to use ASCII characters .
and -
, not Unicode characters.
The Morse code table is preloaded for you as a dictionary, feel free to use it:
MorseCode.get ".--"
variable (fromuse MorseCode.Constants
). Ignore the unused variable warning formorse_codes
because it’s no longer used and kept only for old solutions.Elm:
MorseCodes.get : Dict String String
morseCodes ! ".--"
(Codes are in aMap String String
MorseCode[".--"] ?: ""
orMorseCode.getOrDefault(".--", "")
(a hash table)Rust:
MorseCode[".--"] ?? ""
orMorseCode[".--", default: ""]
C: provides parallel arrays, i.e.
morse[2] == "-.-"
forascii[2] == "C"
NASM: a table of pointers to the morsecodes, and a corresponding list of ascii symbols
All the test strings would contain valid Morse code, so you may skip checking for errors and exceptions. In C#, tests will fail if the solution code throws an exception, please keep that in mind. This is mostly because otherwise the engine would simply ignore the tests, resulting in a “valid” solution.
Good luck!
1 | def decode_morse(morse_code): |
027 Pete, the baker
Pete likes to bake some cakes. He has some recipes and ingredients. Unfortunately he is not good in maths. Can you help him to find out, how many cakes he could bake considering his recipes?
Write a function cakes()
, which takes the recipe (object) and the available ingredients (also an object) and returns the maximum number of cakes Pete can bake (integer). For simplicity there are no units for the amounts (e.g. 1 lb of flour or 200 g of sugar are simply 1 or 200). Ingredients that are not present in the objects, can be considered as 0.
1 | # must return 2 |
1 | def cakes(recipe, available): |
用到了一些关于dict的基本操作,比如直接的for i in dict是返回字典里各个键,要返回values的话应该用dict.values()。另外要看某个键的value的话直接用dict[‘key name’]就可以了
1 | def cakes(recipe, available): |
028 Integers: Recreation One
1, 246, 2, 123, 3, 82, 6, 41
are the divisors of number 246
. Squaring these divisors we get: 1, 60516, 4, 15129, 9, 6724, 36, 1681
. The sum of these squares is 84100
which is 290 * 290
Find all integers between m
and n
(m and n integers with 1 <= m <= n) such that the sum of their squared divisors is itself a square.
We will return an array of subarrays or of tuples (in C an array of Pair) or a string. The subarrays (or tuples or Pairs) will have two elements: first the number the squared divisors of which is a square and then the sum of the squared divisors.
1 | list_squared(1, 250) --> [[1, 1], [42, 2500], [246, 84100]] |
The form of the examples may change according to the language, see “Sample Tests”.
In Fortran - as in any other language - the returned string is not permitted to contain any redundant trailing whitespace: you can use dynamically allocated character strings.
1 | def list_squared(m, n): |